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Pomegranate Chocolate Bites

Bite sized pomegranate seeds make for a delicious sweet and tart treat.


  • 6 pieces 88% extreme dark chocolate
  • 6 tsp pomegranate seeds

Makes 2

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  1. Break the chocolate into six pieces, and place in a heatproof bowl. Place the bowl over smearing water (a bain marie) until the chocolate melts.
  2. Mix the pomegranate seeds with the melted chocolate and scoop them into six silicone cups.
  3. Place in freezer for 10-15 min to set.
  4. Remove chocolate from silicone cups carefully before serving.

Nutrition facts

Per Serving

  • calories: 145
  • carbohydrates: 11g
  • cholesterol: 0mg
  • dietary fiber: 0g
  • fat: 10g
  • potassium: 26mg
  • protein: 3g
  • saturated fat: 6g
  • sodium: 4mg
  • sugar: 4g

Disclaimer: does not provide any express or implied warrant toward the content or outcome of any recipe.

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