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Breakfast Egg Sandwich

Make your own fast food at home with fresh ingredients and flavors you love. This breakfast sandwich is perfect for an easy and healthy meal on the go.


  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1 teaspoon chives, minced
  • 1 whole wheat English muffin, halved and toasted
  • 1 slice Canadian bacon, warmed

Makes 1

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  1. Combine beaten egg and minced chives in a microwave-safe custard dish and microwave on high for 1 minute or until egg is cooked through and no longer runny.
  2. Loosen egg from custard dish with a butter knife and place slice of bacon and egg on toasted muffin. Serve hot.

Notes: There are so many varieties of eggs that will work beautifully for this recipe. Try alternating finely diced sauteed mushrooms, cooked spinach, herbs or sauteed bell peppers in your egg.
Serving suggestion: Enjoy your breakfast sandwich with 1/2 cup fresh raspberries and blackberries (approx 30 calories, 7 grams of carbohydrate and 4 grams of fiber)

Nutrition facts

Serves 1

  • calories: 242
  • calories from fat: 70
  • cholesterol: 178mg
  • dietary fiber: 4.5g
  • potassium: 299mg
  • protein: 17.3g
  • saturated fat: 2.2g
  • sodium: 775mg
  • sugars: 5.7g
  • total carbohydrates: 27.5g
  • total fat: 7.8g
Photograph by Kelly Dabel. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

Disclaimer: does not provide any express or implied warrant toward the content or outcome of any recipe.

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