Practicing Portion Control With Type 2 Diabetes

As someone living with type 2 diabetes, having control of the foods I choose to consume and when to eat has provided me the peace of mind that allows me to take active ownership of monitoring my blood sugar levels. It's also been a great way to include conscious intention in my diabetes self-care routine.

When practicing portion control as a person living with diabetes, there are certain steps one can take to create a healthier lifestyle that will support controlled blood sugar levels. With this in mind, I'm sharing some tips that have helped me practice portion control.

Be mindful of processed foods

Processed foods can be a convenient option for all meals. However, they tend to be higher in sodium, unhealthy fats, and sugar than freshly prepared foods. Processed foods may also lack the key nutrients our bodies need to stay healthy.

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To ensure that the processed foods you choose to consume fit into your unique nutritional needs, read food labels carefully. Adding fresh fruits and vegetables into your eating plan, like carrot sticks and apple slices, can be a healthier choice over processed snacks.

Learn how to meal plan

Meal planning ahead of time is one of the best strategies I've tried for managing portion control with type 2 diabetes. When I plan my meals in advance, I get to decide exactly what I will eat each day and, more importantly, how much. That way, I can make sure that the portions are always just right for my dietary needs.

Plus, having a plan for meals takes away my urge to spontaneously reach for snacks throughout the day – if I already know what's on the menu for tomorrow's lunch, then there's no point in reaching for something unhealthy now! Planning ahead is definitely key when it comes to managing diabetes and portions.

Eat without distractions

It's easy to overeat when we're distracted; whether it's watching TV or scrolling through social media on our phones, our minds can wander while we eat without us even realizing it. To practice mindful eating, I try to focus on my food — the texture, flavor, and smell — and take my time while eating instead of rushing through my meal. This way, I can recognize when I'm full sooner rather than after I've finished an entire plateful!

Food cost can be a challenge

Managing meals as a person living with diabetes can be tricky – especially because of costs. It is important to consider your budget when it comes to meal planning and shopping for groceries. By being more mindful of how and where you spend your money on food, you can make sure you purchase items to achieve balance while not breaking the bank.

Different stores and markets also offer different prices, so it's worth taking time to compare what foods are available, their prices, and potential discounts. With budgeting tools and meal planners, there are several resources out there to help you stay smart about your grocery shopping spending! With these tips in mind, you'll soon find yourself naturally managing your portions like a pro.

Find what works for you

Managing portion control as a person living with type 2 diabetes requires dedication and mindfulness — but it doesn't have to be overwhelming or tedious! By avoiding processed foods, meal planning ahead of time, and focusing on mindful eating practices during meals, you can get into a routine that works best for your body and your lifestyle.

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