3 Essential Pantry Items

Like everyone else, I've been cooking a lot as of late - some meals are big productions and require loads of prep, others not so much, but they are yummy and healthy none-the-less. I always make sure to stock up on essential pantry items and for multiple reasons. To save/limit my time at the grocery store, to have basics on hand to make quick meals and or snacks that are both healthy and yummy.

3 of my favorite pantry items living with type 2 diabetes

Stock up on these goodies!

Lentil beans

Lentil beans (my favorite lentils are the red lentils) are loaded with polyphenols; chock full of protein, are a rich source of iron, full of fiber, folic acid, are high in magnesium, great for our bones and our blood sugars! Bonus points: Lentils are not only economical - but they also take much less time to prepare than other dried beans!

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Low-sodium chicken and veggie broth

No/low-sodium veggie and chicken broths make for a great base in many recipes - homemade soups, quinoa recipes, and a cup of steaming broth mixed with a little siracha sauce when you’re feeling under the weather during cold and flu season. I ALWAYS make sure I purchase the low-sodium option of broths. Regular boxed and or canned broths have way too much sodium for comfort.

Natural peanut butter

Nut butter is a prime source of healthy fat, loaded with protein and a little goes a long way. I’m a huge fan of peanut butter. I’m also a huge fan of almond and cashew butter. My go-to peanut butter is the creamy all-natural variety (the kind you have to stir and whose only ingredients are nuts and maybe a little salt). I love it! A little peanut butter goes a long way. I eat a couple of spoonfuls with a glass of vanilla almond milk as a quick, low-carb, high protein snack. I spread a tablespoon of peanut butter on a slice of high fiber toast for lunch and with a dash of honey. Sidebar: Nut butter, including peanut butter, while low in carbs are high in fat.

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