Who Knew There Could Be So Many Names for Sugar?
I did not know until I had a great visit with a nurse practitioner many years ago who specializes in treating those living with type 2 diabetes. She asked me the simple question how many names do you know for sugar? I told her I knew 12. Then she asked me the names of the sugar I knew.
She applauded me and said you know more than the average person. I only knew that many because of a science class years ago. We learned 20 different names, but 12 stuck with me. She shared with me that she asks each patient the same question so that she can get an idea of how many people know about hidden sugar.
The many names of sugar
Now I knew there were 20, but I sure did not know there were over 50. She listed them by name, and I could not believe she knew all of the names. I want to unmask all the names so you can understand what you get when shopping and reading food labels. Below is a list of all the names I could find. Make a copy, shrink it, and let's all put it in our purses or wallets, so we don't stay in the dark. When things say sugar-free, they most likely have some of the listed sugars below.
- Agave nectar
- Blackstarp molasses
- Barbados sugar
- Barley malt
- Beet sugar
- Brown sugar
- Buttered syrup
- Cane juice crystals
- Cane sugar
- Caramel
- Corn syrup
- Corn syrup solids
- Confectioner's sugar
- Carob syrup
- Castor sugar
- Date sugar
- Demerara sugar
- Dextrose
- Dextran
- Dehydrated cane juice
- Diastatic malt
- Diatase
- Ethyl maltol
- Evaporated cane juice
- Free-flowing brown sugars
- Fructose
- Fruit juice
- Fruit juice concentrate
- Galactose
- Glucose
- Glucose solids
- Golden sugar
- Golden syrup
- Grape sugar
- High-fructose corn syrup
- Honey
- Icing sugar
- Invert sugar (this is the sugar bakers prefer to use)
- Lactose
- Locust bean gum
- Maltodextrin
- Mannose
- Maltose
- Malt syrup
- Maple syrup
- Molasses
- Muscovado
- Powdered sugar
- Plum sugar
- Panocha
- Raw Sugar
- Refiner's syrup
- Rice syrup
- Saccharose
- Sorbitol
- Sorghum syrup
- Sucrose
- Sugar
- Treacle
- Turbinado sugar
- Xanthan gum
- Yellow sugar
That's many more than I thought I would find!! Some of these are derived from cane sugar; some are derived from fruit. Others are derived from corn. Some are sweeteners and some end in "-ose" (those are chemical names for sugars).
All of these terms for sugar can really fool you if you don't stay on the lookout. To this day, I feel like some have been added to the list. It's growing and probably still will. Just remember this, sugar-free does not always mean there is no sugar.
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