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My Journey to Improving My Mental Health

Living with type 2 diabetes can be a daily struggle. I have experienced firsthand the impact it can have on mental health. The constant monitoring of blood sugar levels, dietary restrictions, and medication management can be overwhelming. However, what some people don't realize is that diabetes can also have a significant impact on mental health.

Going through emotions after diagnosis

When I was first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, I felt many emotions. There was fear, sadness, and anger. I feared the long-term health complications and how they would impact my quality of life. I was sad that I couldn't enjoy my favorite foods without worrying about my blood sugar levels. And I was angry that I had to deal with diabetes in the first place.

Fearing diabetes complications

The worst part for me was that I thought my life was over. My mom passed away at age 37 from diabetes complications. I had several aunts and uncles who also had diabetes. I wondered, "Why would I be any different?"

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These emotions are common among those with type 2 diabetes. They can take a toll on our mental health, even impacting our ability to manage diabetes successfully.

Steps to improving my mental health

Seeking professional support

One of the most important steps I took to improve my mental health was to seek professional help. I found a therapist who specializes in chronic illness. She was able to provide me with coping strategies and support.

Joining a peer support group

It was also helpful for me to join a diabetes peer support group. These were people with type 2 diabetes where I could connect with others who understood what I was going through.

It's essential to understand the link between type 2 diabetes and mental health and seek help if needed. Speaking with a mental health professional or joining a support group can provide a safe space to share experiences and feelings and learn coping strategies.

Exercising and meditating

Lifestyle changes can help improve mental health outcomes for those with type 2 diabetes: regular exercise, a healthy diet, and stress-reducing techniques. You can try mindfulness and meditation, which all contribute to better mental health and diabetes management.

Exercise and mindfulness practices, such as yoga and meditation, help me. This has effectively reduced my stress levels and improved my overall well-being. Making time for self-care and prioritizing activities that bring joy and relaxation is essential.

Remember that setbacks are normal

I also learned to be patient and not beat myself up over occasional setbacks or high blood sugar levels. Diabetes management is a journey. It's important to celebrate small victories and progress toward health goals.

It's important to remember that having type 2 diabetes doesn't define you as a person. Seeking support and taking steps to manage physical and mental health can lead to a better quality of life and improved diabetes outcomes.

I have been living with type 2 diabetes for over 30 years. I've been mindful of my choices and trying my best to make good decisions for my diabetes management. I hope to have another 30 years here to enjoy my life.

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