Don’t Get Caught Up in the Competition
Competition can be motivating if it's healthy and positive. It becomes unhealthy when you become fueled by the desire to do better than others for the wrong reasons. When your goal is to make yourself better for the simple pleasure of bragging and stepping on how someone else defines their success, there is an opportunity for self-reflection.
The downsides of comparison and competition
YOUR success with diabetes should be whatever you decide, whether it's maintaining your glucose levels, regular physical activity, or finding new recipes to try.
Some people don't understand the dynamics of being diabetic on social media. Those same people tend to challenge you on how you live, what you eat, and how much you weigh. However, you can get caught in a whirlwind of competitive banter and begin to focus on proving people to be wrong when the opinions of others truly do not matter.
Diabetes is about the long game
Your unique diabetes journey is all about playing the long game. How you decide to take on life can be totally different from those with type 2 diabetes. Therefore, every person with diabetes has the core foundation of the disease, but we all have different triggers that we suffer from.
For some of us, our challenges can be nutrition or stress management. The key is to make a complete effort to do better each day. The only person you should "compete" with is yourself!
Our journeys are unique: don't compare player profiles
In my therapy session, my counselor had to tell me to stop comparing my diabetes experiences to other people with diabetes. I was constantly comparing my glucose numbers to others. Ultimately, it became a triggering factor in my depression because my results weren't like others. It was like turning on a Madden video game and comparing player profiles.
Don't forget that others are going through their own complicated, challenging, and sometimes treacherous journeys regarding diabetes. Being kind and empathetic goes a long way.
In other words, we all must remember that our specific journey with diabetes is just that - our own. Comparing our specific trials and challenges to others can be very daunting and troublesome. This was one of the things I had to improve upon.
Prepare for hurdles: pre-game prep
Keep your eye on the prize and stay true to yourself. Be sure not to give in to the pressure or pleasures that could set you back when managing blood sugars. Stay vigilant. Prepare for the hurdles.
Trust me, you will face challenges along the way, but don't be afraid. All obstacles are not meant to be harmful to you. It's all in your perspective and how you choose to see the bigger picture. Consider your obstacles a chance to improve, grow, and be a better version of yourself and watch how your pre-game routine improves.
When you stumble, get back in the game
Many regret setting high goals because they are ultimately unachievable and feel like a failure. Learning how to set attainable goals is key. Keep your vision and goals in mind and make adjustments along the way if necessary.
If you fall off your routines or nutrition plan, pick yourself up and get back to it. I have failed numerous times and got back in the game. Sometimes, getting up isn't easy and can take longer to recover. But, the key is to go back to the playbook, adjust the plays and get back in the game.
This or That
Do you practice portion control?
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