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An older man stands facing lots of squiggly lines that are bright at the crest and dark at the bottom. There are also happy faces at the crest of the lines, and sad and angry faces at the bottom.

Dealing With Mood Swings and Changing Blood Sugar

Have you ever thought about type 2 diabetes and your mood? They might sound unrelated but believe me when I say they are very much related. I started to notice changes in my mood when I began skipping taking my medications years ago.

Frustrated by type 2 diabetes

Overall, I was just angry with everything and questioned why I had to endure type 2 diabetes at such a young age. Most girls my age were looking pretty and partying all time. I had to worry about my carb count, glucometer, and medicine. It just wasn't fair. I practically cut off my friends and family, stopped going out with them, and confined myself to office work and my room.

At that point, I was so fed up with gulping down a fist full of medicines. Not to mention, I was tired of eating foods I really didn't like. But I was doing all this to manage my blood sugar.

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Feeling generally unhappy

I was generally unhappy with everything around me and was least interested in knowing or doing anything. Everyone kept telling me that quitting my medicines was over the line. It led me to be drastically sick for a week.

My doctor stepped in

One day, my doctor asked me a few questions, which I ignored and covered my face, silently shouting to myself, "Just leave me alone!" This raised an eyebrow among the doctor as it was not normal for someone like me.

I was generally a happy, cheerful person, and my doctor knew that. He came straight out and asked me how I felt, to which I barely replied.

Enrolling in a diabetes education program

Afterward, I was assigned to a diabetes education program, where my friend accompanied me to ensure I attended the sessions. My friend said I was a grumpy girl sitting in a chair.

The first session was okay. My doctor made me aware of a lot of things. It was like somebody gave words to my thoughts and spoke to them aloud. It validated how I felt, and learned that diabetes could also impact my emotions and mood.

Diabetes can impact your mood

It all caught my attention, and suddenly my ears were glued to everything the doctor said, like how high or low blood sugar can make us feel fidgety, anxious, and angry. We can be mad at ourselves and more towards the unjust system of the world.

But little did I know, my grumpiness was fueled by my diabetes. It made sense. It all started happening when I purposely didn't want to take my medicines a few times. Eventually, it piled up into so much more.

Deciding to make a change

My friends: these things can happen to any of us. We can live life to the fullest or feel sorry for ourselves. The choice is ours.

What we can do is find avenues to make ourselves happy each day. Some obstacles are bound to arise, but nothing can stop life, and while sitting in that chair, I decided to take care of my body for good, bad, happy, or sad.

I will always make my health my priority now.

This or That

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