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newbie - TYPE 2 for 20 years - looking for natural solutions to lower A1C

on a mission to find best nutural solutions to lowering A1C -- I'l on Metformin and Jardiance, among other meds. Intrigued with the ALOX15 enzyme theory, and the Chromium/Cinnamon supplementation claim (hasn't worked for me yet).

  1. Hi . I hope you get lots of input from the community. In the meantime, here is an article about some natural treatments that might interest you: Have you been diagnosed for long? Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Thank you for the article - validates what I've seen from other sources, and a few new items. I've been type 2 for approximately 20 years - been on a STATIN for that long (23 yrs), and I believe one side effect of STATINS is either causing or exacerbating diabetes.

      1. Hi . Statins can most definitely make diabetes worse, everyone has to weigh the benefits of medications against the risks. Maybe the risk of worsening your diabetes was worth it 20 years ago, but it might be time to re-evaluate the decision now. Here is an article about an alternative to statins from one of our sister communities: It might be worth talking to your cardiologist about. I hope this helps. - Lori (Team Member)

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