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Anyone with type 2 have an insulin pump

Good evening guys I'm a type two insulin depended currently taking humilin u500 but still have out of controll sugars my question is has anyone here as a type 2 successful got funding on nhs for an insulin pump , I've got libre 2 funding and it's made Mt sugars so much easier but been struggling to get my sugars down for so long mu hba1c is still over 100
Please note I have alot of other conditions that dosnt help my sugars
Thanks in advance

  1. Thanks for reaching out. I hope our community members share their personal experience with you. I'd encourage you to speak with your doctor about the process for obtaining a pump. What about a Continuous glucose monitor (CGM). In addition to speaking with your doctor these articles may be helpful: and Wishing you the best. Please keep us posted if you'd like. Kelly, Community Moderator

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