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In light of our condition and the situation, how has everything impacted your life? Are you more stressed now than before?
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  1. , thanks for this question and for checking in on how the community might be doing during this stressful time. I hope others may chime in and use this place to vent or show support for others. Warmly, Minel (Team Member)

    1. Hopefully everyone is fine. This pandemic has caused a lot of problems for majority of the population.

      1. A lot has changed. This pandemic really hit many of the people I know hard.

        1. It is crazy to think that we are still affected by this. How have our lives changed in a little under two years.

      2. Now, there is a new variant! They say that it is even worse than the Delta.

        1. oh wow. New variants are definitely worrisome. Hope you take care and stay safe. ~ Minel (Team Member)

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