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I have been reading a lot about Allulose and was wondering if anyone uses it? Do you like it? What brand do you use? Other thoughts you may want to share. Thank you.

  1. Hi . I have not tried Allulose, but this is such a great question that I thought I would repond and bump it up a little in hopes that others jump in. Here is a recent article from one of our advocates about Allulose that might interest you: Have you tried it since you posted this? Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. I have tried it. I have not noticed any changes in blood sugar or weight. I do use it to sweeten coffee and smoothies.

      1. Do you like the taste of it compared to Splenda, Equal or other zero-calorie sweeteners? - Lori (Team Member)

    2. I don't care for the taste of most zero calorie sweeteners, I find this one more tolerable, it is not quite as sweet but if I need more of a sweet flavor I sometimes add a little Monk Fruit.

      1. I can relate. I tend to experience an aftertaste after eating foods with allulose. I'm definitely team Monk Fruit 😀- CJ, Team Member

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